Since 1992 Full-Professional Services Connections Unlimited is facilitating trade between U.S. Manufacturers and overseas Distributors and Buyers.
Our contacts, bilingual capabilities, expertise and cross-cultural ability give Connections Unlimited the Know-How to help your company grow in this competitive global environment.
U.S. Manufacturers: We have already pre-selected Distributors and Buyers in every country in Latin America and the Caribbean Market. These Distributors are financially strong and have national distribution.
Distributors and Buyers: We can help you to buy directly from US manufacturers. These are some of the advantages: Lower prices, financing, product registration support, special offers and close-outs, marketing support and product assistance, promotional materials, and much more.
We are proud winners of Service to World Traders Award.
This award honors service companies—such as banks, freight forwarders, brokers or insurance companies—for sustained, exceptional service and commitment to world traders in the five-county
Combined Statistical Area (Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.